Friday, October 22, 2010

MiSs Ya ! )=

so sien..
actualy i wanna go de SK Cochrane's Hari Keusahawanan..
but mum dun let..
so 4get bout it..
i jus wanna meet SF thr n take picca wit her !
it seemed 2 b chanceless.. =(
but i wil go jogging wit dad 2 mr..(near de PLC thr)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Condolence =(

My gredgranpa jus pass away recently.. was last Saturday..

actuali v went bac 2 my hometown 2 go 2 de temple 1..
hu noes my gredgranpa suddenly pass away..
so v din made it 2 temple but v attended de funeral..=(
de funeral last 4 3 days n i din go skol on Monday..

n..i get 2 no a faaaar-relative [which is my mum's cousin]
its a SHE !
n she's so leng luii ! =)

Prettay !

Lenq ! :D

Awesome ! :p
so u get wat i mean?
she's awesome rite?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Im a vegetarian !

hey,i bcame a VEGETARIAN 4 9days !!
its a chinese tradition my family always follow..

sth i like is tat i can go 九王爷thr..
thr vry fun n gt lotsa things 2 buy n eat...
cant w8 2 get thr...=)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Hapy Mooncake Festival !

tat day [22nd Sept] celebrated MOONCAKE FESTIVAL..
it was so FUN !!! (thou its nt rly 'tat' fun)
n v had a 'candlelite dinner' which spoil everything !! cuz de wax drip 2 de floor n v were bz stracthing it out..LOL xD
den...v ate mooncake [de main thing] but i dunn rly like mooncake>.<


errm..after tat...
i played candles wit my sis..since v gt nth better 2 do..but at least its better than playing LANTERNS !! -.-|||

anyway..i took sum picca 2 keep it as memories...=)

my mom's homemade lantern

tats my mom with a lantern


tats my sista with de lanterns.

tats my sista playing hide-n-seek with de camera.

me with my sista.I look so uglii ! ><

sista with a lantern on her head !
GOSH !wat will happen if wax drops on her head?xD

sista playing candles.

 end post ! hope u hav a Happy Mooncake Festival ! :D