Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas :D

  • Christmas Eve  [/]
  • Christmas  [/]
Wats next?!
New Year for 2011 gonna be next ! Yay ! :D

I celebrated the 2 events mentioned above ! Solet the pictures talk ! :)

Food prepared by my mom :)

The three of us :D

My Family.

Ms. Santa :p


Fish eye :)

Reindeers :D

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Random Songs :)

Im rly so into these few songs :))

                                          Hebe 田馥甄 - 你太猖狂 :)

                                  宇珩 - 朋友們都結婚去了 :)

                                                          Soda Green 蘇打綠 - 無眠 :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Hey ! 冬至快乐!
I ate many bowls of tang yuan 2day :D
Teehee ! xDD
N im currently falling in love with this Korean drama .

He's beautiful ! 原来是美男啊!
Jang Geun Suk (Hwang Tae Kyung)
Lee Hong Ki ( Kang On Yu / Jeremy Jung)
Park Shin Hye (Go Mi Nam[Male] / (Go Mi Nyu [Female])
Yong Hwa (Kang Shin Woo)

 드라마 사랑

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Holidays gonna end and school's gonna start !
Which means i'm gonna be stressful 4 another yr !  =.="
And my brother's going NS @ Sarawak for 70days (counted already) :'(
Which means we have to berpisah with him for 70 days !
Arghh ! Why must people and people berpisah some day?
Why cant we stay together forever ? D':
Recently,we contacted our 'far cousins' .
Thats a Hooray for me ! :D
It was indeed a big miracle for me. Cause' its been so many years since we last met. 
Sigh. Last time we were stil all young and so childish and we always play together.
Now, everything changed !
They got their own life and we got ours ! D:
We no longer talk, play, cry like last time.
Now, we are all teenagers and its like we are strangers to each other.
But at least they stil remember me :) Thx God !
Just hope that they can always pay a visit to us and another miracle will happen once again =x
May God read my post. D:

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Malacca Trip

Woots ! So long din blog ! Abandoned my blog for a moment 'cause i'm so lazy ><
Recently, i went  to Malacca AGAIN ! It's BORED yet FUN ! =.="
Well, ignore the crap I'm talking and let the pictures talk :)

Our One and Only family picture taken there :)

We're Security Guards xD

The beca.

My Sister so awesome right?
Envy, envy :P

My Mom and Dad :)

The ferry, i think.


Peace off !

Cendol :)

Camwhoring again !

Merry Christmas :)


Look at my awesome brother :D
Well, I didn't actually post all the pictures.
Just a few of my favourite pictures :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rawr ! :E

 Gud Morning ! :)
hav u gt nice slp last nite?
hope u do !

wat is all this fuss about?
u muz b wondering...
its actualy DINOSAURS roaring in my house !

I found 2 dinosaurs eggs n i decided 2 hatch it !
this is hw their eggs look like.

This is de white one which is my fave cuz de pattern on de egg is nicer ! :)


 This is de pink one ! its actualy vry nice but gt lesser patterns on de shell .

Im telling de truth nw..
de eggs r actuali fake de..i mean wil grow bigger if u put it inside de water 4 duno hw long la..
im waiting 4 it 2 grow..
this is hw de dinosaurs look like.

This is one of de dinosaurs tat hatched ! 


de dinosaurs actualli hatched wen v put de egg into a pail of water.It expand n de egg cracked into pieces.Then,lahirlah seekor dinosaur ! :D

 This is one of de cracked egg !(de pink one)

tats all 4 this post !bye !

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What a GREAT one ! :D

hye,thr !
i jus had my dinner jus nw..
it was rly a GREAT one !
i luv it ! ♥
thx mom ! :)
n i took a few pics of my mom's delicacies :D

This is wat my mom cook 4 2day .
It may look normal but de tasta was rly SPECIAL.

n i luv this lala.Its rly AWESOME ! :D

kays~~tats all 4 nw.
Im watching movie nw n gonna slp ltr cuz 2moro gonna teman my mom fetch my bro 2 school.
Bye :)

안녕 December

Ann yeong December
I have been waiting 4 u 2 arrive .
Christmas is jus arond de corner ! n im getting soo excited n so eager !
wonder wat im gonna get ! (:

 as i said : Christmas is just around the corner !

Kays~~Lets change the topic .
Holidays r passing rly fast :'(
Nooo ! I wan my holidays 2 stay ! 
November ended which means my holidays left 1 mth only :(
haiz~~but thats life !n v have 2 face it no mater wat !
well,hope i enjoy my 1 mth holidays !
해피 홀리데이 :D