Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Just came back from a really great dinner :))

Saturday, January 15, 2011

My new profile picture :D

My currently fb prof. pic :)
Its so retarded. D:

Hehex :D
Changed my profile picture ytd.
Its with my bangs ! :D
I actually cut bangs during last holidays but i  lazy upload  the photos so rarely got photo of my bangs last holidays xPP
And i censored my picture background which makes it look even more retard ! :E

My schooling days.

School has reopen 2 weeks ago.
Its kinda fast actually. And my brother had been 2 Sarawak for 2 weeks ady..
Wee ! Hope he faster come back la~~ D:

And i was sick last week so i did not uodate any post la.
As nothing special happen lately.
Its just that our kokurikulum started last week.
Its much more EARLIER than i've expected !
So have 2 stayback every Tuesday n Wednesday lo~~

And CNY is coming too. I'm so EXCITED  !
Cant wait 4 ang pows, biscuits, drinks, cousins and friends !

Well, no pictures uploaded 4 this post.
I'm gonna post soon IF i'm free, as school's has LOADS of homework D:
Everyday have 2 rush 2 do my homework.
And exam falls on March.
Uh-oh ! I'm gonna be dead 4 my Sejarah.
Form 1 syllybus are included.
Haiz, gonna work harder and i might start preparing.
But talk bout studies only after my CNY !
Haha xDD

Monday, January 3, 2011