I'm really in a bad bad mood now.
I got screw up by someone today even without using a screwdriver?
You guys might think it's funny but it is NOT !
This someone really change alot though. ;(
He's not like the him that i know 14 years ago.
I had no idea what i can do actually unless kena screw all the time.
Sometimes i really don't understand what he want.
He's just like Tom's dad, and my life is just like Tom's. :'(
But he just won't know how I actually feel.
I gave him all my best in every work.
But did he really appreciate everything I do?
Or he just thought that he's a very important person so he has the right to order me to do something?
I'm not blaming him actually, I'm just really sad and kinda angry. :(
But i can't do anything, ryte?
Just because he's important to me ? Is this really fair? :(
Yours truly,
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