Thursday, June 9, 2011

Busy life.

My life is so busy. I started to get bored by days.
Each and every of my family members are occupied with many many stuffs. waterheck. -.-
My dad is always busy with his work. biasalah, dad kann ?
And my mom's time is occupied with house chores and stuffs like that.
My gor gor is busy with his college stuffs ever since he masuk college, and his job which idc what is it. He always come home late for that. :/
And ME, i have school stuffs, homework, projects, kks, kgt and blahh blahh blahh -.-
And my sista, she's busy with homework, classes, art and so on,
Hmphh. So i can hardly spend time with my family nowadays. Sometimes weekends pun takleh.
And my bro's going PD with his friends this coming weekends. dahlahh it's my last holidays before school starts. cannot hang out with him :/
It's 11.40 at night now. gtg sleep already.
Nights people (:

ps : sorry for not updating my blog for so long. i'm really busy.
pss : hope you guys will still enjoy reading my blog (: thankyou.

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