Monday, February 7, 2011

CNY Day 2, 3 and 4.

I went to Cameron Highlands on CNY Day 2, 3 and 4.
It was really fun and cool.
The air there are so refreshing compare to my hometown (obviously) :D
Let's start with CNY Day 2. We visited Boh Tea Centre and a random park.

The pieces of tea @.@

After 1 month, i get to take picture with my bro :)
We visited the famous Boh Tea Centre at Sungei Palas.

The Boh.

Let's have a sip of hot tea after a refreshing walk ;)
You have to pay 1 buck for adding hot water.

Want some teh tarik?
After Boh Tea Centre, we actually planned to go to the apartment that we rent, but they haven't finish cleaning up yet. So, we went to a park and PICNIC there. =.=" Syok gilerr.
There had a playground there, so i go camwhore around.

This is what you call spiderweb,i think?

My cute little cousie ;)

My cousin brother.

We go on 'till 3rd day of CNY.
We visited their vegetables farm, which has loads of vege, flowers, and CACTUS  ! @.@
They're awesome :D

My mom and dad in the garden :)
The vegetables were grow in small pots.

And they turn out to be BIG ! 

The flowers.

Colourful flowers.


We were all laughing about this funny cactus !
The big one.
Me and my aunt :)
The gigantic pencil :D
The gigantic strawberry :)
My sister, cute huh?
My cute little cousie :)

The playground.

The scenery from the apartment i stayed :)

We had our dinner at Cactus View Restaurant.

I bet if you see this you know what we ate for dinner.


My grandma :)

This is the 猪油 for the grill meat one.

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